Giving Back Gives Meaning To Life

How releasing sea animals in Iceland inspired me and connects to Life Is Sales

If it’s been a while since you gave back to a cause, let me remind you that it feels great to do something selfless. Education First even says that “it is statistically proven that people who volunteer regularly are healthier both physically and mentally. Individuals who have volunteered throughout their lifetime typically live longer and have better psychological well-being. In addition to the health benefits, volunteering gives people a sense of purpose.”

Sometimes we don’t know what we may be passionate about until we take a risk to try something new. This past July, I had the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and be a part of something I never imagined: releasing beluga whales into a sanctuary in Iceland. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but I said yes and opened myself up.

Sonar Summit’s mission for freedom

We got involved with Sonar Summit through friends (Scott Stephen, Mike & Johanna Santer) who invited us to the Iceland sanctuary. This organization’s mission is to care for animals raised in captivity and prepare them for being released into a sanctuary. The animals cannot be released into the wild as they were not trained or meant for that life, but they can and should experience a level of freedom that a sanctuary can provide and live their lives as naturally as possible while also having a staff to ensure their safety. These sanctuaries are open to the public, but the animals are not there for entertainment.

Personally, seeing and supporting other people’s passions ignites my fire. Witnessing the dedication of the organization to providing a safe environment for the whales and dolphins was unbelievably inspiring. We met three experts, one even worked on the movie Free Willy, which was filmed in Iceland. The animals are so intelligent, and seeing the bond between them and their caretakers was so special. Ultimately it was a no-brainer to get involved and sponsor the freedom release of the beluga whales Little White and Little Grey.

It was almost like a spiritual moment of meditation. I’ve been on other sacred pilgrimages to holy places around the world; this was a similar experience. You ask for permission, and just be quiet and listen and look for messages, with the  aim to add value when and where you can.

Before this trip, I wouldn’t have necessarily said I was into whales and dolphins, but after this experience, I realized how intelligent they are, and it made me feel conflicted about seeing them as entertainment.

When I meet good people, I want to help them. It doesn’t have to be my mission. It was their mission, and I wanted to support them. There is something so beautiful about seeing these animals be freed from captivity. If you’re inspired by this organization and its work, you can learn more and support it at

Living the Life Is Sales Philosophy

My signature concept, of course, fits into the way I give back. We are all selling, all of the time. If I think I can help someone or something, I will. I will sell myself on this fact, and then sell others on how they can support my mission.

For example, deciding to support the Wake Forest women’s and men’s golf programs was a bit of a surprise. But after our two daughters graduated from the university with incredible experiences, along with meeting the coaches and seeing the emphasis on developing high-performing student-athletes, we knew we had an opportunity to help grow something special. 

The same goes for the companies I advise and invest in. I want to work with good people and help them maximize their potential because that’s how I maximize my own. This also taps into the idea that sales is service, which is a powerful concept once we truly understand it.

My social-emotional intelligence tip for August was this: Life is short, so we must do the things that make us happy. Don’t wait any longer to check off items on your bucket list. Say yes and commit to them.

Find your cause and purpose

I believe in karma and that things have a way of coming back to us. I don’t expect you to sign up to release sea animals, but I encourage you to think about a cause that means something to you and explore ways to get involved. Don’t overthink it; my advice is to just go with what feels right and be open to being surprised.

There are so many different ways to give back, be it time, awareness, money, etc. Harness what skills and connections you may have to help make a difference in the world. If you can tie giving back into a bigger purpose and vision, that will create impact and momentum. Giving back can have a snowball effect, and once the ball gets going, it can be difficult to stop. I'm at the point where I actually want to make more money so I can give more away.

Giving back gives meaning to life.

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