Mindset Shift: Amplifying One’s Impact

A reflection on my goals for helping others this year and beyond.

This is your year. Yes, you. I believe that for you. You must believe it for yourself, too.

In order to make progress in an area, this year or anytime, you absolutely must be tracking it.

At this stage in my career and life, I’m not tracking sales data anymore. I am still interested in measuring impact, just in a different way. 

In my various roles as an advisor, investor, board member, coach, and mentor, I’m focused on tracking how many people and groups I can help. And, how much I can help them.

This is my goal for 2024. Making the biggest impact on as many people as possible.

My shift toward helping others

I know a thing or two about leading people and teams because I’ve done it time and time again. One truth I can say with certainty is that doing good work in service of others causes a ripple effect. 

I’m no longer running a company with employees. I’m not providing jobs, leading daily meetings, or conducting performance reviews. I am, however, working with business leaders and entrepreneurs to create positive cultures that change peoples’ lives. Ripple effect.

My Life Is Sales program is close to launching, and I’m buzzing about the opportunity it will provide me to connect with so many individuals and organizations on a larger scale. Helping others maximize their potential excites me and fills me up!

As far as measurement goes, I won’t be tracking the number of calls and meetings, workshops, seminars, speaking engagements, and other events. But I will be tracking the positive impact I can have on others, through calls or meetings or conversations. This will give me an idea of the amount of total people and companies I can share my experiences and knowledge with.

Consider the impact you want to make

Impact is different for everybody and every profession. We all have our work categories to measure, so called “hard data.” But I challenge us all to think about measuring impact a little differently this year—call it “soft data.” Consider how many people you can impact in a positive way. By proxy, helping others will in turn cause you to produce higher quality work and give you a greater sense of satisfaction.

Focus on building relationships, providing leadership, and developing others. We are all leaders, but let’s be more conscious in terms of what we are leading toward. You’ll be surprised at how much this also develops you. 

A few final notes on creating impact:

  • By providing consistent communication and providing honest feedback, we create an environment and culture that supports explosive growth.

  • You never know what kind of day someone is having. Be kind and always approach others as people first.

  • Others aren’t always looking for you to share advice. What can be more impactful is simply sharing a personal experience. 

  • Providing alternatives to a problem is always a better option than issuing blame. 

Share the love, maximize the impact

Hopefully this post gets your wheels turning about how you can make small shifts that create a larger impact, this year and in the future. Know that our version of impact will adjust over time, it won’t always be the same. We are not locked into the same type of impact forever, so allow it to evolve when and where appropriate. 

I’ll end with the quote below, one of my favorites. Remember, this is your year. Making an impact on others just may lead to a major breakthrough for you. 

This is the true joy in life – being used for a purpose, recognized by yourself as a mighty one. The being a force of nature rather than a feverish, selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. . . for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is sort of a splendid torch which I’ve got a hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. – George Bernard Shaw

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