Season 2: Shine Brightly

Episode 8

Conclusion: Maximize Your Potential

In the final episode of the second season of my video series, we recap the journey I’ve taken husbands, fathers, salespeople, and entrepreneurs on to help them shine brightly, harness their gifts, and maximize their potential.

Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

Two tracks converge

Over the course of this season, I’ve taken both tracks on a journey to shine brightly, and both tracks brought us right here. That’s because we are who we are, wherever we are, and to shine brightly, we need to bring all those aspects of ourselves together. As we uncover more of ourselves and as we harness our gifts and shine more brightly, we are impacting our whole lives.

Listen to both tracks

Although you may have identified more with one path or the other, both tracks apply, so I encourage you to go back and listen to both. Even if you don’t identify as one or the other, there are life lessons to be learned by watching the other episodes. 

Be you and shine brightly

Don’t be afraid of shining so brightly that you scare people away. You’re going to attract people because as you radiate, people will respond to that light and come towards you.