Season 2: Shine Brightly

Episode 4

Harness: Husbands and Fathers

In the second episode on the Husbands and Fathers track, I discuss how to harness our potential, be vulnerable, and grow in our masculinity.

Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

The old model of manhood

The old model of manhood rejects failure, vulnerability, and growth. It tells us that unless we are perfect and stoic, we are broken, and we are fixed in our brokenness.

Life is about change

If we stay fixed, we’re not going to be able to maximize our potential. We have to be willing to fail and fall down. The important thing is that we get back up. We all have self-limiting beliefs. We all are going to fail. So what? Life is about our choices and responses at each moment. 

Your core matrix

In order to harness your gifts, you’re going to have to dig deep, do some personal work, and look at your core matrix. Now on top of that, develop more empowering beliefs. Choose every moment to be on your own side. So when we fall back into that core matrix, we choose to come back out.

Fake it till you make it

As a father and a husband, you may not feel valuable or like you’re making a difference. Choose it. Show up. This is the time to harness those gifts to be the father and husband of your dreams.

Takeaway challenge

Reflect on the video’s quote and pick a moment to lean into your vulnerability.