Season 2: Shine Brightly

Episode 3

Uncover: Salespeople and Entrepreneurs

In the first episode on the Salespeople and Entrepreneurs track of Shine Brightly, I uncover how to define success in sales and in life. 

Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

Success is more than money

You get to define what success includes. We all think if we have money, all of our problems will be solved. Yet focusing on that one metric takes us off the hook. What about the rest of our life? What about being successful everywhere?

Success in sales

Sales is about closing deals, and behind that layer, it’s all about metrics. Sales is very accountable, and you have to make money, but that’s not the only thing. Relationships matter, serving your customer matters, and creating results matters. 

Success in my life

When I think back to the most successful and important moments of my life, they’re not money-related. I think back to my wedding, the birth of my children, starting my business, creating a beautiful culture, working with beautiful people, and establishing relationships and friendships. If we only define success as money, we will never be satisfied. 

Define success for yourself

Parse out your own definition of success from what society is telling you. Depending on where you are in your career, it may be different. Think about what’s important to you, and what feels right. Also understand that this definition can and will evolve over time.

Takeaway challenge

Reflect on the quote in the video and begin to define what success means to you.