Season 1: Live Richly

Episode 8


In this episode of Maximize Your Potential, I introduce the fifth and final key: service. Knowing our unique impact and gifts, and how we can help others, is a game-changer.

Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

Potential is about how we can serve

Identifying how we can be in service to those in our life and the world at large is the key to unlocking our full potential.

Service and sales

People often assume those who work in sales are selfish, but that is an unfair stereotype. Sales is about understanding our clients and finding solutions for them. When we are truly in service to these clients, we are committed to the best outcome for them.

Know ourselves and our gifts

Once we recognize our unique skills and gifts, we can bring them forward to help the world. We all hunger to make a difference, and we need to use our gifts and embrace who we are to fulfill this desire.

What is our greatest fear?

We think our greatest fear is failing, but we’re really just afraid of shining too brightly.

Fail to find our purpose

It’s ok to fall, just get back up. Failure is growth and a valuable part of life because it always teaches us something. It’s the only way to discover what satisfies and nourishes our souls.