Season 1: Live Richly

Episode 6


In this episode of Maximize Your Potential, I introduce the sixth key: vulnerability. I offer an alternative viewpoint on the role of vulnerability in your success.

Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

What is vulnerability?

It’s allowing ourselves to openly share our needs, wants, fears, and more. If we want to connect with people, we have to be vulnerable, even though it’s scary. 

Vulnerability and masculinity

As a boy growing up, I was told I needed to be tough and stoic, the opposite of being vulnerable and expressing my feelings. The new model of masculinity now champions being open about our emotions.

Vulnerability and sales

I think sales is one of the most vulnerable jobs because we constantly face hurt and rejection. When a salesperson is rejected, we can’t just crawl into a corner. We have to examine our emotions, choose to express them or contain them, and practice self-care.

Vulnerability = growth

Every time we get out of our comfort zone, we will learn and grow exponentially.

Takeaway challenge

Notice when you feel hurt or afraid and take the risk to share these emotions with someone else.